Sunday, July 29, 2012


Today we covered Joshua 8-15. Our emphasis was on the loyalty of Caleb and how we ourselves can generate loyalty.

Caleb though an older man now at eighty-five was still ready, willing, and
able to fight alongside Joshua. He came before him to claim his promise, granted by Moses regarding territory in the promised land. Joshua set aside Hebron for him.

Just what can we do to generate loyalty?
Find common ground
Share your vision
Compensate adequately
-value others
-listen to them
-give extravagantly
-recognize and reward often
Challenge others to be their best
Sacrifice freely

Great after church lunch at O'Charley's followed by a play at the local theatre.

We continue to build community and character.

Thanks to Chip Brown for the photos

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Joshua_chapter seven

I. Sin is a serious thing
II. How is sin viewed?
A. The world's view
B. God's view-no change
III. The sin of Achan
IV. What is federal headship and corporate solidarity?
V. Was the punishment too harsh?
A. New endeavor, zero tolerance for sin
B. Similar situation of Ananias and Sapphira in NT
C. Sin compounds like good deeds...rule of 72 financial wealth
VI. Our sin affects others

The central theme of today's lesson is that our individual sin affects the lives of others from generation to generation. A pregnant mother on crack cocaine delivers a baby with an addiction. Lazy parents deny their children adequate food, shelter, and emotional security. We do nothing in a vacuum.

What we do in moderation
Our children do in excess.

We're A Sociable Crowd!

Pictures from our 2011 Christmas Party.