Sunday, August 5, 2012

Finishing Well-Joshua's last days

I. What would you do if you had only one week to live?
a) Joshua calls in the tribe's heads
b) Chapter 24 is a progression of God's involvement in their lives
c) Verse 14 is the key verse
II. Put away foreign gods
A) Three types they faced
1) Canaanite-Baal
2) Armean-tradition (Rachel)
3) Egyptian-exotic,seductive
B) What temptations do we face today?
C) Are they manifestations or roots
D) We have trouble getting rid of sin...why?
III. How can we get rid of false gods?
-identify them
-be sensitive to their influence
-know that we cannot eliminate them alone
-this is a war, not a skirmish
-consider the long term consequences
IV. Principles of worship
A) Gather with others to celebrate
B) Suspend your daily activity of hard work
C) Give God something of value
V. Worship
A) takes our eyes off our worries
B) Gives us a glimpse of God's holiness
C) Allows us to look toward His future kingdom

Great fun after church today. Hibachi at Kani House. Bob had sushi.
The food was good, the show was entertaining and the company was great!!!
Good job, Community Builders

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